18 research outputs found

    Transport of pollutants in seepage water from pavement structures with inbuilt fly ash

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    Voda kao idealno otapalo pronosi različite suspendirane i otopljene tvari s povrÅ”inskih u podzemne slojeve. Procjedne vode iz kolničke konstrukcije mogu sadržavati značajne količine Å”tetnih tvari koje se dalje pronose kroz vodonosne slojeve. U radu je opisan pronos zagađenja procjednih voda iz kolničke konstrukcije u koju je ugrađen leteći pepeo, a koji zbog svog sastava može imati Å”tetan utjecaj na okolni zrak, tlo i vodu. Ovisno o koncentraciji Å”tetnih tvari u procjednim vodama njihova odvodnja se može izvesti na dva načina. Kod kritičnih koncentracija Å”tetnih tvari u procjednim vodama one se odvode sustavom kanalizacije i pročiŔćavaju, dok kod malih koncentracija, koje se mogu razgraditi putem samopročiŔćavanja kroz procese u tlu, procjedne se vode mogu upustiti u okolno tlo ili vodotok. Potrebna je stalna kontrola kvalitete kako procjednih tako i povrÅ”inskih i podzemnih voda. DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja i rezultati pokazali su da, iako postoji opasnost od mogućeg Å”tetnog utjecaja letećeg pepela iz kolničke konstrukcije na okoliÅ”, ukoliko se pepeo ugradi kvalitetno i u pravom omjeru ne predstavlja opasnost po okolno tlo, zrak i vodu.Water is an ideal solvent; some products placed on or in the soil will eventually end up in the groundwater. Seepage water from road construction can contain significant quantity of noxious substances that are transported from aquifers. The paper presents transport of pollutants in seepage water from pavement structure with inbuilt fly ash. Substances from fly ash can have a noxious impact on the surrounding air, soil, and water. Depending on the concentration of noxious substances in seepage waters, drainage can be carried out by two methods. Seepage water with a critical concentration of noxious substances is drained through the sewage system and treated. Another method is used in case of small concentrations, which can be disintegrated by means of natural purification processes in the soil, with seepage water discharged into the surrounding soil or waterway. Continual quality control of both seepage water and surface water and groundwater is necessary. If fly ash of good quality is inbuilt in pavement structure (in the right proportion), it doesn\u27t have an adverse impact on the neighboring air, soil, and water


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    Water is an ideal solvent; some products placed on or in the soil will eventually end up in the groundwater. Seepage water from road construction can contain significant quantity of noxious substances that are transported from aquifers. The paper presents transport of pollutants in seepage water from pavement structure with inbuilt fly ash. Substances from fly ash can have a noxious impact on the surrounding air, soil, and water. Depending on the concentration of noxious substances in seepage waters, drainage can be carried out by two methods. Seepage water with a critical concentration of noxious substances is drained through the sewage system and treated. Another method is used in case of small concentrations, which can be disintegrated by means of natural purification processes in the soil, with seepage water discharged into the surrounding soil or waterway. Continual quality control of both seepage water and surface water and groundwater is necessary. If fly ash of good quality is inbuilt in pavement structure (in the right proportion), it doesn't have an adverse impact on the neighbouring air, soil, and water.Voda kao idealno otapalo pronosi različite suspendirane i otopljene tvari s povrÅ”inskih u podzemne slojeve. Procjedne vode iz kolničke konstrukcije mogu sadržavati značajne količine Å”tetnih tvari koje se dalje pronose kroz vodonosne slojeve. U radu je opisan pronos zagađenja procjednih voda iz kolničke konstrukcije u koju je ugrađen leteći pepeo, a koji zbog svog sastava može imati Å”tetan utjecaj na okolni zrak, tlo i vodu. Ovisno o koncentraciji Å”tetnih tvari u procjednim vodama njihova odvodnja se može izvesti na dva načina. Kod kritičnih koncentracija Å”tetnih tvari u procjednim vodama one se odvode sustavom kanalizacije i pročiŔćavaju, dok kod malih koncentracija, koje se mogu razgraditi putem samopročiŔćavanja kroz procese u tlu, procjedne se vode mogu upustiti u okolno tlo ili vodotok. Potrebna je stalna kontrola kvalitete kako procjednih tako i povrÅ”inskih i podzemnih voda. DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja i rezultati pokazali su da, iako postoji opasnost od mogućeg Å”tetnog utjecaja letećeg pepela iz kolničke konstrukcije na okoliÅ”, ukoliko se pepeo ugradi kvalitetno i u pravom omjeru ne predstavlja opasnost po okolno tlo, zrak i vodu


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    Otpadne vode se moraju pročistiti prije ispuÅ”tanja u recipijent. Jedan od načina pročiŔćavanja otpadnih voda je pročiŔćavanje biljnim uređajima. Biljni uređaji su kompleksni bioloÅ”ki sustavi koji oponaÅ”aju procese u prirodi. Jednostavan su, prihvatljiv i ekonomski opravdan način zaÅ”tite voda. U radu su opisani biljni uređaji (umjetne močvare) kroz vrste uređaja, njihove prednosti i nedostatke, osnove projektiranja i hidraulički proračun. Posebno je analiziran biljni uređaj Vinogradci.Waste water must be treated prior to discharge into the recipient. One way of treating waste water is constructed wetland for wastewater treatment. Constructed wetlands are complex biological systems that mimic the processes in nature. These systems are simple, acceptable and economically feasible way of water protection. This paper describes the constructed wetlands through device types, their advantages and disadvantages, the basics of design and hydraulics. Especially analyzed constructed wetland Vinogradci


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    Dobro održavanje kanalizacijskog sustava osnovni je preduvjet za racionalno gospodarenje ovom skupom gradskom infrastrukturom, za dobre sanitarne uvjete u urbanoj sredini i dobru zaŔtitu okoliŔa. Dobro održavanje kanalizacije jedan je od preduvjeta za održivi razvoj i zdravstveni standard neke urbane sredine, stoga mu se mora pokloniti velika pozornost. Svrha ovoga rada je pokazati prednosti koriŔtenja GIS-a (Geografski informacijski sustavi ili Geoinformacijski sustavi) u održavanju kanalizacijskog sustava.Good maintenance of the sewerage system is a prerequisite for the rational management of this set of urban infrastructure, for good sanitary conditions in the urban environment and a good environment. Good maintenance of sewage is one of the prerequisites for sustainable development and the standard of health of some of the urban environment; therefore it should be given serious attention. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the benefits of using GIS (Geographic Information System) to maintain the sewage system

    Maintenance issues of the vacuum sewer system

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    A sewer system is an indispensable part of every settlement which contributes to the protection of the environment and people. There are many types of sewer systems. In addition to the standard sewer systems (mixed, separated, etc.), there are the alternative, non-standard systems, and one of them is a vacuum sewer system. In order for a sewer system to function correctly and to perform its tasks successfully, it needs to be maintained properly and regularly. Generally speaking, maintenance is considered to be a series of activities performed in order to achieve that constructed buildings allow an adequate use and functionality for the purpose they were designed for. Considering these systems are relatively new and still rarely used, there is no general practice or rules for use and maintenance of the same, and, most importantly, there is no user experience or people responsible for managing the work and maintenance. The paper will present the general characteristics and parts of vacuum sewer systems. Maintenance recommendations will be given, and maintenance costs specified making reference to the literature available to the authors


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    Dobro održavanje kanalizacijskog sustava osnovni je preduvjet za racionalno gospodarenje ovom skupom gradskom infrastrukturom, za dobre sanitarne uvjete u urbanoj sredini i dobru zaŔtitu okoliŔa. Dobro održavanje kanalizacije jedan je od preduvjeta za održivi razvoj i zdravstveni standard neke urbane sredine, stoga mu se mora pokloniti velika pozornost. Svrha ovoga rada je pokazati prednosti koriŔtenja GIS-a (Geografski informacijski sustavi ili Geoinformacijski sustavi) u održavanju kanalizacijskog sustava


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    U radu je dan pregled dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja o mogućnostima primjene ekspertnih metoda (umjetne neuronske mreže, genetski algoritmi, ekspertni sustavi, stabla odlučivanja, Markovljevi lanci i algoritam kolonije mrava) za optimizaciju održavanja sustava odvodnje. Pravodobno održavanje sustava odvodnje važno je zbog njegova pravilnog funkcioniranja, manjih troÅ”kova popravaka i osiguranja osnovne funkcije sustava odvodnje, te odvođenja otpadne vode iz kućanstava do uređaja za pročiŔćavanje otpadnih voda i ispuÅ”tanja u prijamnik. Navedene su moguće primjene ekspertnih metoda u optimizaciji održavanja sustava odvodnje čiji je cilj smanjiti troÅ”kove održavanja.This paper provides an overview of the state-of-the-art research on the possibilities of using expert methods (artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, expert systems, decision trees, Markov chains, and ant colony algorithm) for optimising maintenance of sewerage systems. Timely maintenance of sewerage systems is significant as it ensures their proper functioning, repair cost reductions, basic operation of the system, drainage of waste water from households to wastewater treatment plants, and discharge to the receiving water body. Possible uses of expert methods for optimising maiIn dieser Arbeit werden bisherige Forschungsergebnisse zu den Mƶglichkeiten des Einsatzes von fachkundigen Methoden (kĆ¼nstliche neuronale Netze, genetische Algorithmen, Expertensysteme, EntscheidungsbƤume, Markov-Ketten und Ameisenkolonie-Algorithmus) zur Optimierung der Wartung von Abwassersystemen vorgestellt. Die rechtzeitige Wartung des Abwassersystems ist wichtig, da es ordnungsgemƤƟ funktioniert, die Reparaturkosten senkt und die Grundfunktionen des Abwassersystems sicherstellt sowie das Abwasser aus Haushalten in die KlƤranlage leitet und in den AuffangbehƤlter ablƤsst. Es werden mƶgliche Anwendungen von fachkundigen Methoden zur Optimierung der Wartung von Abwassersystemen mit dem Ziel, die Wartungskosten zu senken, aufgefĆ¼hrt

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS

    Transport of pollutants in seepage water from pavement structures with inbuilt fly ash

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    Voda kao idealno otapalo pronosi različite suspendirane i otopljene tvari s povrÅ”inskih u podzemne slojeve. Procjedne vode iz kolničke konstrukcije mogu sadržavati značajne količine Å”tetnih tvari koje se dalje pronose kroz vodonosne slojeve. U radu je opisan pronos zagađenja procjednih voda iz kolničke konstrukcije u koju je ugrađen leteći pepeo, a koji zbog svog sastava može imati Å”tetan utjecaj na okolni zrak, tlo i vodu. Ovisno o koncentraciji Å”tetnih tvari u procjednim vodama njihova odvodnja se može izvesti na dva načina. Kod kritičnih koncentracija Å”tetnih tvari u procjednim vodama one se odvode sustavom kanalizacije i pročiŔćavaju, dok kod malih koncentracija, koje se mogu razgraditi putem samopročiŔćavanja kroz procese u tlu, procjedne se vode mogu upustiti u okolno tlo ili vodotok. Potrebna je stalna kontrola kvalitete kako procjednih tako i povrÅ”inskih i podzemnih voda. DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja i rezultati pokazali su da, iako postoji opasnost od mogućeg Å”tetnog utjecaja letećeg pepela iz kolničke konstrukcije na okoliÅ”, ukoliko se pepeo ugradi kvalitetno i u pravom omjeru ne predstavlja opasnost po okolno tlo, zrak i vodu.Water is an ideal solvent; some products placed on or in the soil will eventually end up in the groundwater. Seepage water from road construction can contain significant quantity of noxious substances that are transported from aquifers. The paper presents transport of pollutants in seepage water from pavement structure with inbuilt fly ash. Substances from fly ash can have a noxious impact on the surrounding air, soil, and water. Depending on the concentration of noxious substances in seepage waters, drainage can be carried out by two methods. Seepage water with a critical concentration of noxious substances is drained through the sewage system and treated. Another method is used in case of small concentrations, which can be disintegrated by means of natural purification processes in the soil, with seepage water discharged into the surrounding soil or waterway. Continual quality control of both seepage water and surface water and groundwater is necessary. If fly ash of good quality is inbuilt in pavement structure (in the right proportion), it doesn\u27t have an adverse impact on the neighboring air, soil, and water

    Assessment of the Impact of Climate Extremes on the Groundwater of Eastern Croatia

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    This paper analyzes the groundwater in the deep Quaternary aquifer of Eastern Croatia. These waters are collected at the Vinogradi Pumping Station (Osijek, Croatia) for the needs of public water supply. This research aimed to assess the impact of climate extremes, namely, high air temperatures and low rainfall, on the quantity and quality of groundwater. On the basis of data from the Vinogradi Pumping Station in the period 1987ā€“2015, three extremely warm and low-water years were singled out. For these three years, the following were analyzed: climate diagrams, groundwater levels (in the piezometers closest to and farthest from the pumping station), and the quality of the affected groundwater. The results of this research indicate that the reaction of aquifers to the analyzed extreme climatic conditions for the observed period was manifested in the variation of the amplitude of groundwater levels by a maximum of 4ā€“5 m. Considering the total thickness of the affected layers (60ā€“80 m), this variation is not a concern from the point of view of water supply. As for the quality of groundwater, it was found to be of constant quality in its composition and was not affected by climatic extremes